Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Getting Ready For Day Two of Filming

Yesterday's filming went really well. I was really pleased with the interview and the coverage we managed to get. We have over an hour's worth of great footage from Lauren, so it's a shame our documentary is only going to be 10 minutes, but that's how this all works in the land of docs! For a full account of yesterday, please read Jo's post below :)

Tomorrow is our second day of filming. We have outlined our idea for the "Public information broadcast: Chavs". This will be a small segment in the film, a parody of Harry Enfield, describing "The Chav".  Jo will be staring in this small sequence, as we jump cut, and add items of clothing typical to a Chav. I am quite looking forward to making this and then editing it, as it will give us the chance to use an original piece of story telling in our film.

I also made a last minute contact with a girl called Hattie Mulville, who lives on the roughest estate in Maidstone. Hattie is twenty years old, and is raising her little one year old Bronson, by herself. She is a self confessed "tear away youth", who before giving birth to her son, fell in with the wrong crowd. Today she is still called a "Chav", and finds it hard living on the estate, where a recently notorious family was slain by shotguns.

I will be interviewing her tomorrow, to find out about her life during the noughties, how it has changed, and the surroundings she finds herself in today. 

What is life like on the estate? How are you judged? Do you feel you are stereotyped? What were you like during the noughties? How old were you when you had Bronson? What were the circumstances? How has he changed your life? What would you say to someone that called you a Chav?

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